Wilderness Dance Camp
Planning Committee

Rahmana Elizabeth Sayre
Co-Director / Administrator

I first attended Wilderness Camp in 2006 and was drawn to the vibrancy of the community. It became my home camp, even though I was living in Ohio at the time. Through my involvement with WDC, I met my Sufi guide, my DUP mentor, many dear friends, and eventually decided to move to the West. I was certified as a dance leader in 2011.  I know split my time living in homes in Boise, ID and Tucson, AZ.

I joined the planning committee in 2012 and have taken the roles of camp manager, publicity coordinator and am now co-director and administrator.

Nuria Cathy Wooten
Sound Manager

Wilderness Dance Camp (WDC) has been a major joy in my life for the last several years – the Dances, the Community, and the Music! I joined the WDC Committee to help improve the sound system, especially to make the experience better for those with hearing challenges. Thanks to the generosity of the Oneness Project we have really great microphones, and our sound crew works hard to bring you the best sound quality possible. Working to plan and organize the camp is a fun and satisfying way to serve, and amplifies my enjoyment of Camp. Being involved with the other Committee members, helping to support the Leaders, and playing music for the Dances continues to feed my soul and is so much fun. Come and play with us! Namaste, Nuria Cathy

 Misty Raufa Harding
Co-Director / Registrar

Misty is thought by most of us to be “Miss Indispensible” when it comes to Wilderness Dance Camp. Serving as registrar she has attend to all the details associated with insuring dancers have their needs met for transportation, volunterism, dietary preferences and lodging. Hailing from Bozeman, Montana. Misty has now become an RV fulltimer and has spent the last three years traveling and living all across our beautiful country with her pet companion, Sassy. No one can miss her welcoming smile and wonderful laugh. Misty now also serves WDC as co-director.

Amishanti Roger Lynn
Public Relations Manager

I’ve been participating in the Dances for about 15 years, and attending Dance Camps & Retreats for about a dozen years. My first Wilderness Camp was in 2010, when it was held at a camp on Flathead Lake in northwest Montana. I served on the Tent Crew one year when we were still dancing under a big tent. Being asked to serve on the Planning Committee was an honor. It’s a great group of highly gifted and creative people working together to craft an event that brings together a lot of people from all over the country to dance, sing, laugh, play, and eat together in ways that are both fun and transformative. It’s amazing to watch a group of individuals become community in such a short amount of time.